There is profound liberation in facing our deepest wounds. Suffering is human.

meaning in suffering is freedom & healing.

Online Mental Health Therapy

Together, we can heal trauma, find happiness, and evolve you to your most authentic self.

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life. Your personal growth is my life’s work.

What makes me different?

I’m a survivor: I’ve been through it.

As a therapist, I am committed to providing creative, eclectic, evidence-based, mental health therapy to a diverse body of clients. I am passionate about providing Anti-Racist, Trauma-Informed individual therapy, group therapy, and couples’ counseling to clients from all backgrounds.

I’ve worked with trauma survivors, marginalized/’othered-communities’ (POC, LGBTQ+, Social and Economic Oppression, incarcerated peoples), and liberation for almost 20 years.

My professional background includes art, writing, education, mental health counseling, and social justice in the community, correctional facilities, women’s domestic violence shelters, private institutions, universities, and most recently at Tia (a tech and healthcare startup dedicated to revolutionizing women’s integrated healthcare).

What makes me great?

Beyond my rigorous academic, educational, and professional training, my lived experiences as a first-generation college graduate, raised in poverty by a single mother, a survivor of sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, and intimate partner violence give me lived insight into how we cope with, move through, and liberate ourselves from our emotional wounds. You won’t have to explain the nuances of your oppression, gender, race, and experiences. IYKYK.

Work with me. We got this.

It’s about the vibes.
Free 30-minute consultation to see if we’re a good therapeutic fit. The biggest determinant of patient-reported success/satisfaction is the connection between you and your therapist.

A perfect balance of science, hood, art, human-centered, and social-justice rooted approaches.
Let’s chat about your needs, my areas of specialty, and my evidence-based, trauma-informed therapy modalities.

Improve your relationships, change patterns, break generational cycles, heal your heart.

Using evidence-based treatments, like DBT, CBT, ACT, Trauma-Informed modalities such as narrative therapy, art therapy, mindfulness, mediation, and somatic (body-based therapeutic work).